When we’re willing to enter rigorous and brave dialogue with genuine curiosity, we’re able to see who we are, and shape who we are becoming.


A being-centered approach focuses on the reality of the self, not as a fixed identity, but as a growing and generative field of awareness that has the potential:

to cultivate deep rapport with ourselves, others and the world around us, just as they are


to bring the world as it could be into existence through our courageous choices

We do this through inquiring into the life we’re living right now. The stunning simplicity of this approach is that we need look no further than our immediate life and work experiences to catch sight—and catch hold—of the larger patterns that are diminishing our potential and limiting our organizations. As humans, we self-actualize in the context of our life and work—but not necessarily. Experience doesn’t guarantee growth, just the opportunity for it.

Through an integration of embodied presence, psychological flexibility, and transformational neurolinguistics, clients are supported and challenged to center in their own authenticity, build greater capacities for courageous speech and action, and to re-imagine the limits of the possible.



There is a fertile delta between the way things are, and the desired future you can imagine for yourself and your organization. When our being is centered in a settled nervous system, a courageous aim and a generative perspective, our doing naturally follows.

Individual Coaching is a nourishing conversational space set aside for you to slow things down long enough for your experiences to yield the learnings they contain. Blindspots come gently into focus and what matters most comes freshly into view. Reflexive defenses of the past soften and new insights into self and circumstance emerge. Self-awareness grows, and more nuanced, values-aligned action becomes possible. The experiences of your life and work become themselves the teacher.


Inquiry Circles

Often the inner work we most need to do can’t be done alone. The open and honest questions of a trusted group of peers can unlock entire regions of unexplored perspectives we could never have anticipated. 

Inquiry Circles are intentionally curated and skillfully facilitated learning environments, where people come together in an atmosphere of vulnerability, curiosity, and experimentation in order to move into new ways of living, working, and being. Different from master minds or other more tactical group work, Inquiry Circles move away from solution seeking and advice giving, and instead invite participants to reach deeper for their own insights, assume greater responsibility for their outcomes, and take greater relational risks within the mutual respect and safety of the group. This is capacity building for authentic, vulnerable, and transformational leadership that ripples into the larger contexts of our belonging.


Team Development

We all yearn to give our best to a worthy cause—to trust and be trusted inside a group of inspired peers working together to push the edges of what’s possible. Along the way, important moments of opportunity or crisis arise where the alignment, trust, and performance of your team is called to function at a higher level. 

Team experiences turn everyone’s attention to what matters most, here and now. Endless solution seeking shifts to seeing the underlying patterns that kept things stuck, and the natural intelligence of the group is freed to discover fresh perspectives and new approaches. It takes rigor, courage, and vision to move forward in challenging times. Let’s work together to unlock the future of your organization.



Meet Carl

In practice for over 20 years, I integrate long-standing human wisdom traditions (from both the West and East) with an evidence-based approach to coaching rooted in Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT). I’ve coached business and social change leaders through Reboot.io and at Naropa’s Authentic Leadership Center. I also study and teach meditation, qigong, and human warriorship at the MogaDao Institute in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I hold a master’s degree in contemplative counseling psychology and a post-master’s certification in neuro-linguistic programming.